Sunday, April 1, 2012

Long Time No See

Sorry I haven't blogged lately. Reason: No more blogger for me. Followers: Just quit following.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Happiness

Hey Everyone. This is my neon purse I got for the joyous Christmas Day. I love Christmas. It's my favorite holiday. My homeroom teacher says it's like the only Christian holiday people haven't "messed up" like Easter. I don't feel like it's a HUGE deal. People are people. You can't force people to chang to your standerds. That's life. I like that people have Santa. He's cool, and he's got a beard!!! AWESOME!!!!

 I am sorry I haven't blogged since, I don't know when. Wow. I have totally neglected you! Sorry!

 Gotta go!- Mikayla

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hi everyone.   I am frustrated with Facebook!! I am trying to do the thing where you enter you phone number, and it keeps getting stuck! Grr! So basically, that's why I am blogging.

 Do you all have facebooks? Good to know.  I have never had a facebook before. Duh! Why would I be making one if I already had one?!

 Nothing to do= BORED.

 See ya'll!- Mikayla

Friday, October 14, 2011

Christians are victorious

Hello Followers- I don't know why I open my blog entries with that. I just do. So, the title is werid, I know. And I have soon to explain...just not yet.

 Ok so, some of you have no clue what I look like. This is me. Cute huh? No no, you don't have to answer that.  This was a pretty long time ago though. I look different now. This is the most recent picture I could find.

 OK, so about the blog title. We Christians are victorious. We are victorious because we have a God that died on the Cross of Calvary for each of us individually. Pretty amazing if you ask me.

 Jesus is the best listener. He listens to our strenuous prayers all the time. Amazingly enough, he can hear millions of prayers at the same time! Now that is amazing.

 He is also really good at showing us what we want, AND what we need.  A lot of times, we think we need things that God doesn't want us to have, like a new house or new car. He knows what choices we will make in trecherous situations. He even know who many hairs are on our heads!

 Some of you readers may not be Christians. If have ANY questions, just ask through a comment.

 God Bless,

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hi, I'm Mikayla

Hi there. I am Mikayla. Some of you might have read my previous blog, Stepping Stones. It was deleted because I deleted my email that it was created with and got a whole new one. Followers of Stepping Stones: Please become a follower of Jesus Freak! New readers: same thing. The more followers the better. Okay, so you probably want to know about me. If you didn't you wouldn't be reading.

 Ok, I have a scary obbsession with owls. I have some really hilarious stories to tell regarding the people I "work with".  We are all crazy.  I will keep you all posted. :D

Ok, so I was sick today.:( Wahh! Better Now!

So blog to you later!